Sabtu, 16 April 2011

what's going on with our house of representative members? Should i come to your office and say that UNDP is not a NGO?

I read a news about what marzuki alie did in his speech. Well, you can read the detail in this link below. Actually, i think it is not a good news for the name of Indonesian House of Representative. As we know, Marzuki ali got his Phd in Universiti Utara Malaysia. He was from Palembang, spending his bachelor and master degree in sriwijaya university. He was majoring "financial management" in his study. He was also a comercial director of  T Semen Baturaja Palembang and worked at  PT Global Perkasa Invertindo before becoming the head of Indonesian house of representatives (DPR).

Shorthly, in his speech, Marzuki said that a NGO like UNDP is not supposed to be placed in house of representative building. Even Firman Subagyo from GOLKAR Party said that UNDP is a NGO under UN and he is afraid that UNDP was the "spy of CIA".

According to his speech , many indonesian people complain about his wrong statement saying that UNDP is a NGO (Non Governmental Organization). Firstly, people will think that marzuki alie didnt study enough to understand the meaning of NGO, or maybe because he was not majoring in International Relations department. But, his experiences in his carrier could give him a lot of knowledge. As a head of Indonesian house of representative, he should learn and improve his knowledge, and of course concern to his speech's details.

 Second, yes, although he was only a normal human who can make any mistakes, i may say that he must be carefull with his speech. Please, be aware that you represent the quality of House of representatives. Pay attention with your words because Indonesian people's eyes are on you. People will notice your fault and judge you. It becomes worse because marzuki alie showed his dissapointing attitude in responding the disaster and giving arrogant statement about the house of representative new building planning. So, it is obvious if people will wait to attack your fault.

I may say that yes, it is just a fault of saying NGO. We can say maybe he forgets or maybe he really do not know what the difference between NGO and IGO is, or what UNDP actually is. So, it is his homework to find the meaning of it?maybe.

The interesting thing is, only The jakarta globe, the only one media that awares about Marzuki wrong word. I don know, maybe some media in Indonesia are too busy to learn about NGO.

The lesson from this issue is : although we are in a great position and best place, don't forget to improve our knowledge. because all eyes on you and will notice what yo said.

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